It is no secret that managing today’s CPA firm is complex and demanding. Changes in the economy, the laws, the markets and our profession affect us all.
Does your practice need to achieve greater efficiency?
Would you like to expand into new service areas? Does your technical expertise need outside support?
Can you use help to obtain greater market share? Would you like to upgrade your office technology? Are you having difficulty servicing your clients beyond your market area? CPA Associates International has been helping member firms with important issues like these for over forty years.Founded in 1957, our well established global group of high-quality, independent CPA and chartered accounting firms is market exclusive with members in major cities throughout the world.
Our organized network provides members with the capabilities of the largest accounting firm, yet allows them to maintain their local practice and avoid costly overhead and unnecessary controls.Our mission is to maintain a body of outstanding firms committed to exchanging ideas, information and expertise with the goal of improving the quality and profitability of their individual practices while enhancing client service.
Our key objectives are to:Assist members in expanding their professional expertiseEnhance members' ability to manage in a changing environmentHelp members boost their profitabilityEnhance members' ability to market their servicesAssist members in meeting regulatory and legal requirementsFacilitate communication and exchange of resources among membersProvide referral opportunities for membersThe business of the Association is managed by a Board of Directors.
In addition, our four active regions, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America and North America, have Regional Boards that organize activities for the benefit of their members. The activities and day-to-day operations of the Association are administered by a full time staff based in New Jersey, just outside of New York City.
Our major activities for servicing all of our members worldwide are:Regional Networks -- members in Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America and North America have organized regional networks to assist fellow members that include membership meetings, firm practice surveys, sharing of information and resources, referral and joint engagement work and other services.Membership Directory -- lists addresses, telephone numbers, E-mail and fax numbers, and partners and shareholders of all member firms who are ready to assist fellow members.Association Web Site -- designed to promote our international organization and member firms.Internet Network -- the Association has its own Internet network that offers our members a number of important benefits including instantaneous transmission of messages and documents to fellow members and access to a variety of resources.Member Newsletter -- published during the year to keep all partners and shareholders up-to-date on Association activities.Educational Programs -- a number of programs are held each year covering major areas and niche specialties of accounting firm practice.International Business Consultant -- is available to help our members assist clients in identifying international markets for their products and services.International Staff Exchange -- professionals from our member firms obtain practice experience in other countries and, at the same time, help fellow members during peak seasons.Practice Management Information -- issued quarterly and covers all aspects of managing an accounting practice.
Practice Coverage -- experienced and skilled practitioners around the world are available to assist members and their clients.
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